Friday, November 29, 2019

Jonathan Edwards Essays - Hell, Christian Eschatology,

Jonathan Edwards The Puritan man must tread lightly and avoid sins in order to enter the good graces of God. Otherwise, the undeserving man will plunge by God's own hand into the pits of hell. Mercy is not easy to come by and those sinners who are not embraced by the kingdom of Heaven will live in eternal, painful misery. Jonathan Edwards' sermon was obviously not intended to encourage his congregation, but to frighten them into good, pure submission. He sears his point onto their brains by using extensive figurative language, including multiple gothic metaphors and similes. For example, Edwards repeatedly preaches about how each man walks on God's thin hand, which is all that holds the man above the fiery lakes of Hell. If the man becomes or is a sinner, God releases the man into Hell, not because of His wrath, but because the man has chosen his own path by his sins. Edwards' God seems, in fact, to be somewhat indifferent towards the fate of each human and only releases or embraces the man when his actions warrant it. God plays no part in the fate of men. ?Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downwards with great weight and pressure towards Hell.? Edwards implies that no matter how righteous or healthy a man is, wickedness counts for more in the eyes of an angry God. Each transgression adds weight to the sinner's shoulders, and when God releases the man to Hell's fiery depths, his good qualities weaken under the burden of the sins and can no longer hold him out of the pits of Hell. Edwards compares the fragility of a man's righteousness and the weight of his sins to a spider's web trying to hold up a heavy rock. Both are futile attempts that will only end in the rock's fast descent to the earth. Whatever the situation, no man wants to suffer the wrath of God. According to Edwards, ?the wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present,? rising higher and higher until they are released and flow slowly over. As the water continues to fl ow, it becomes stronger and more powerful to the point where it overcomes the lives of men. However, until evil and wickedness surface in Puritan society, His vengeance remains trapped behind His hand, rising and gathering, much like the guilt of sinners. If God decides to release His floodgate, all dishonorable men will be swallowed by wrath and descend to fire and brimstone. Edwards reiterates that his God acts on whim, sometime merciful, sometimes cruel and pitiless. In fact, Edwards says, ?it is nothing but His mere pleasure that keeps you from being this moment swallowed up in everlasting destruction.? Not only do Edwards' uses of figurative language contribute to the black mood of his sermon, they enhance it. His sermon was meant to instill terror in the hearts of his congregation, and as he spoke of Hell, brimstone, and a merciless God, his audience could probably see the dark clouds of guilt above their heads. Edwards was a powerful, persuasive speaker, and each dark metapho r created fear that was great enough to convince his audience never stray off of the path to the gates of Heaven. The Puritans seemed to be greatly concerned with guilt and an entrance to Heaven, so Edwards stressed that mercy is hard to come by from a God who sees his creations only as worthless insects who are easily dropped into eternal misery. Most importantly, when the day of judgement actually arrives, many sinners will be left behind, or, as Edwards described it, dropped from the hand of God into Hell. In conclusion, the Puritans had a very thin line to walk between righteousness and wickedness, and it was necessary to tread on the line very lightly. Barely moving onto the evil side of this moral line could plunge a man into shame, possibly getting him shunned from both his village and the gates of Heaven. Jonathan Edwards knew exactly how to herd his frightened congregation onto the pure side of the imaginary line entirely through the use of black, horrific, figurative langu age. The

Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay on The History of Criminolgy

Essay on The History of Criminolgy Essay on The History of Criminolgy Essay on The History of CriminolgyThe topic selected for conducting a research is The History of Criminology. This topic has been selected to study because it is an interesting topic, which encompasses a variety of issues to be analyzed and discussed. The history of criminology stands for the history of science and practice, which plays a crucial role in the study of different aspects of criminology. The topic needs to be researched to better understand the nature of criminology and the functioning of criminologists in different periods of time.Moreover, the topic The History of Criminology needs to be researched to address a wide range of problems and challenges that exist in today’s field of criminology. In recent years, much has been done to conduct a research regarding the major causes and consequences of crime, but the origins of this type of research date back to the eighteenth- nineteenth centuries. According to Garland and Sparks (2000), â€Å"contemporary criminology inhabits a rapidly changing world†(p. 189). The character of criminology is changing because of considerable changes in social life and political, economic and cultural environments. These changes are reflected in â€Å"crime rates, crime policy and in the practices of policing, prevention and punishment† (Garland Sparks, 2000, p. 189).Analyzing the topic, it is necessary to refer to the major issues that should be discussed in the research. The history of criminology highlights the role of crime and punishment in modern society, identifying the nature of crime issues that are connected with the daily routines of people, their emotional and cultural lives. In general, the field of criminology requires a â€Å"sense of its own history† (Laub, 2004). It is necessary to develop and apply the key concepts of the life-course perspective to the development of criminology as an academic discipline. The research will be focused on analyzing criminology in the U.S. over the last 100 years. Special attention should be paid to the key life-course phases in the development of criminology, as well as to the major turning points in this field. The history of criminology can help to realize the ideas regarding crime issues.The intended outcome of the research should address a variety of problems and challenges that exists in our society today and affect criminology. According to researchers, â€Å"criminology, is its broadest sense, consists of our organized ways of thinking and talking about crime, criminals and crime control† (Garland Sparks, 2000, p. 192). The research will help to enhance understanding of contemporary criminology.The qualitative approach will be taken in conducting the research. The qualitative research approach requires the use of research questions as the basis of research. Thus, the actions will be aimed at setting the research questions and reviewing literature to find the answers to these questions, and providing long-t erm observation or participation in the real situations and settings. The two major research questions that will be discussed in the research include: â€Å"How the history of criminology can help to address the major problems and challenges in the field today?† and â€Å"Why the history of criminology is effective in the practices of policing, prevention and punishment?† The qualitative research approach will help to solve problems in the field of criminology based on new conclusions. Today criminologists and criminal justice historians effectively use the key findings from the history of criminology in their work, including the facts that prove the relationship between the past, present and future of criminology (Lawrence, 2012).

Friday, November 22, 2019

Application of 2D gas chromatography for environmental analysis

All these benefits make GC?GC in the toxic compounds involved in the determination of trace level environmental analysis of a very good tool in complex matrices. This paper summarizes some of the environmental analysis and review and monitoring of the GC?GC applications Introduction Many years of humans society development led to many of the world distribution of chemicals in the atmosphere, the Earth’s surface and land border. Many of these compounds are harmful to the world’s ecosystems and the people. Analysis of these compounds in the environment is important. When analytes have high vapor pressure, gas chromatography is the selection method. The main problem in the environmental analysis is to analyze the existence of material is usually very complex matrix trace. Result, a huge research work into the analysis of major environmental pollutants [1]. Methods used in environmental analysis is usually the same as in all aspects of practice. It includes sampling, sample preparation, separation and detection. All of these steps may benefit from change, it is usually the biggest limitations imposed by the separation step. In gas chromatography (GC) cases, the majority of environmental samples containing analyte and matrix components of many closely eluting peaks in a chromatographic dimension (1D) the maximum total capacity is greatly exceeded, and many coelutions and unresolved in the separation region was observed. This led to the analyte of interest and quantify the poor separation [1]. Poor resolution in the chromatographic analysis of sample preparation and detection of high demand for equipment placement. Expensive and labor-intensive sample preparation, and solvent waste may cause a lot of harmful to the environment. By microextraction method development, such as liquid-liquid microextraction (LLME) and solid phase microextraction (SPME) and non-dissolved sample introduction system (ie, direct thermal desorption), has the potential to greatly simplify the sample preparation process, without sacrificing sensitivity and selectivity [2-5]. On investigation, lack of resolution often means using mass spectrometry (MS), including high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), in some cases, is necessary. Figure 1 illustrates the GC-MS encountered in the common problems [36]. In the analysis of food extracts commonly 1D-GC clinch with insecticides (Fig. 1b), trace interest (in this case chlorfenvinphos) coelute analyte and sample matrix is more abundant components. Results obtained for such compounds, mass spectrometry (Figure 1e) frequently contains compounds derived from fragments of interference, leading to poor matching and library mass spectrometry (Fig. 1d). MS overlap algorithm may greatly improve the quality of the information of coeluting peak, but they are not always successful, when the number of coelutions is high. Figure 1a shows, full 2D-GC (GC?GC) to increase space and improve the chromatographic separation of the resolution, resulting in the separation of analytes of interest (chlorfenvinphos) from coeluting compounds and matrix components. Result, improved the quality of the analyte mass (Fig. 1c), taking into account the proof of a more confident analysis of material (Figure 1d). It is possible that some coelutions exist; these may often solve efficiently overlap with the MS, leading to better results, while reducing the number of components when the coeluting. GC?GC separation with the increased power resulting in a successful demo nstration and quantification of analytes. Fig. 1 GC?GC–TOF MS versus 1D-GC–TOF MS for the analysis of a carrot extract. The highest-capacity problem in terms of conventional gas chromatography through multi-dimensional gas chromatography to cope (MDGC) implementation. In this method, one-dimensional (1D) chromatogram of a complex and unresolved part is subjected to the stationary phase coated with a second column separation of the other selectivity [1]. Although this method increases the 1D chromatographic part of the choice of chromatographic resolutions, this method with automation challenging, and only a few sample components can be adequately addressed. However, the many applications is good for the PCBs, pesticides and toxaphene analysis, among other things, the report with different degrees of success [6-12]. Overall, however, is the exact number of separation will be beneficial, if the entire sample is subjected to a separation in two dimensions. This became possible a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC?GC) in the introduction. Principle for Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC?GC) 2D-GC is a comprehensive method of fundamental solution to meet the highest capacity. A typical structure of GC?GC set in Figure 2. The basic structure of GC?GC using virtually is the same as the composition of 1D-GC. These include syringes, oven, columns and detectors. In a typical GC?GC system, using non-polar stationary phase coated with a thick coating of a long column was installed as the main column. The exports through a special interface or modem is connected to the entrance of the second dimension column coated with stationary phase of another selectivity. Modulator connected not only to primary and secondary column; its main role is repeated trapping of the effluent fractions from the first dimension and periodic injection of them to the form of narrow pulses separated into further chromatographic analysis. Because the operation of 2D-GC in the fast condition, the detector in the GC?GC selection is limited to those capable of fast data collection rate. For example, GC?GC de tector can include flame ionization detector (FID), electron capture detector (ECD), single atomic emission detector (AED), sulfur compounds optical detector (SCD), nitrogen photodetector compounds (NCD) and time of flight mass spectrometer (TOF MS). Fig. 2 A block diagram of a GC?GC system. Modulator is the important part of the instrument, because it guarantees the separation is comprehensive and multidimensional [13]. In 1991, the first implementation of the GC?GC, the field has witnessed a number of modulator design [14]. Initially, the use of thermal adjustment of the heat modulator was implemented; however, the modular cryogenic liquid (liquid carbon dioxide or nitrogen) is currently the main use. Modulator at low temperatures within the system, each design has its own distinct advantages and limitations, making it suitable for analysis of the specific type. For example, the analysis of water pollutants has been developed an interface [19], when the buildings, and an in-house applications modulator in the quantitative analysis of PAHs and PCBs has been described [15]. Then, the modulator of the different types of analyte in the analysis of organohalogenated been evaluated [16]. The implementation of GC?GC provides the following advantage to surpass the 1D separation method: improvement separation strength; improved sensitivities; and constructs or highly predetermined, stratography spectrum. In the environment analysis, GC?GC has the potential to improve the toxic compound through the separation from the coeluting analysis and the matrix component, increases the detection limit such chemical product and provides the ideal for the surveillance application the two-dimensional stratography spectrum which constructs. Finally, this possibly causes to reduce to the smallest sample preparation procedure, and reduces analysis time. Other applications are also possible. For example, recently, GC?GC the product estimate which divided into for the diesel oil hydrocarbon environment had used, was important affected many ecosystems [17] the oil leak. Application of GC?GC in Environmental Analysis Water and Sediment Analysis The water is the most basic material to the life in planet. In order to estimate that the tap water safety for human consumption, the rapid, precise and the accurate method needs to analysis the water. The sediment is also important for river and the lake; The analysis of water pollutant is time-consuming sample preparation, follows by GC-MS analyzes. In the initial period realized that GC?GC has the great potential improvement to analysis water and sediment. In its earliest applications in this region, GC?GC was explained possibly from the common matrix interference which is separating the BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene) and methyl alcohol tert butyl ether (MTBE), when and SPME [18]. The separation strength of GC?GC is improved; MTBE and the benzene are the foundation line solution in the 2nd chromatograph analysis space. This research showed GC?GC has the great potential for water pollutant analysis by combination this technology with microextraction (head space SPME). Certain Earth’s freshwater body is polluted daily by petroleum and the oil contamination. In the 1970s, it is pays attention the petroleum sample stratography spectrum to exhibit a model, has not solved, foundation line which rises â€Å"hillock† [20]. Chromatogram is the complex part, including compound many different kinds, refers to â€Å"unsolution complex mixture† at present [21]. GC?GC-FID uses in analysis of two different freshwater sediments [21]. Observed the conventional sample preparation procedure, the author has used the superior resolution, and has constructed the chromatogram of sediment for UCM different levele by GC?GC. The chromatogram obtained for two samples provides by clue direction contamination important source researcher. , The research showed GC?GC the potential importantly in the environment law, for an environmental chemistry basic tool, environmental audit. The nonylphenol polyethylene ethoxides’ degenerated product, was possible feminine hormone splitter [22]. Increases the concern, NPs from the urban district [23] the water and the deposition present are found. GC?GC-TOF MS is the NP isomer separation from technical mixture [24] used. 41 components are identified. Figure 3 explanation GC?GC-TOF MS application to NP isomer respective ion trace analysis from identical research. Two NP stave products were explained that m/z 135 (chart 3a) and m/z 149 (chart 3b). Two chromatogram exhibition group type separation, emphasizes by the connection compound peak maximum value in the identical homologous family incline line. It from as a result of various NP isomer structure similarity, the complete separation is the very difficult this chart is obvious. However, other resolution strength by GC?GC provided â€Å"cleanly† the mass spectrum to provide, made the analysis proof to be easier. Fig. 3. Extracted ion GC?GC–TOF MS chromatograms of a technical nonylphenyl (NP) mixture GC?GC for to the environment pollutant’s analysis was recently the application current in oceanic deposit [25]. A qualitative method has developed, fast and is unified according to the tendency by the ultrasonic wave assistance’s extraction to the complex sample’s high resolution analysis provides to GC?GC-TOF UAE which is fast and high efficiency selective sampling pretreatment procedure is utilized solid sample [30]. A high efficiency and has the selective sample preparation method, when the powerful separation method GC?GC combine with UAE can causes 1500 kind of more than several not aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) the compound and the certificate resolution, NPs and dialkylated benzene. Once more, GC?GC not only ability from each other isolation analysis, and has proven from the sample matrix priceless. The carcinogen which and the mutagen suspected, PAHs is many industry activity by-product and the universal existence is distributed in the environment. Because it requests the hard sledding and has the selective sample preparation, they in the deposition sample’s trace determination are difficult. The improvement to complex matrix’s PAHs, the Cavagnino trace analysis with GC?GC-FID [large-volume splitless injection (LVSI) technology]. Sample complex which analyzes is many deposition sample representative who obtains from the river and the lake. Separated and investigates seven PAHs which diluted in the synthesis diesel oil to demonstrate the LVSI- GC?GC-FID potential achievement in the low ppb level for to trace amount analysis one powerful and the rapid tool in complex matrix PAHs. While, Ong. and so on has developed a PAHs rapid surveillance method probably in the soil sample, utilizes liquid extraction (PLE) – GC?GC-FID [27]. The current publishing work is merely GC?GC latent serviceable demonstration to deposition sample PAH analysis. In brief, with the resolution which improves, improvement many sensitivities and the stratography spectrum which orders, GC?GC may add on the result which effective and the rapid sample preparation method produces cannot be achieved by the routine analysis procedure. Analysis of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and some polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners is dominated by bioaccumulation and biomagnification in the environment and thus is a dangerous The wildlife and people. Many are suspected carcinogens and induced changes of [28]. Of PCBs, dioxins and furans in the environment assessment of certain requirements of a method to isolate and quantify them in complex samples such as food, soil and water. GC?GC provides one advantageous method in complex matrix’s PCDDs and the PCDFs analysis. In its one of early experiments, a liquid crystal main column and a limitless secondary column (according to steam pressure separation) uses in (according to the planarity separation) separates the tone – and from technical mixture [30] non-straight PCB congeners. The connection GC?GC microelectron captures investigates (MECD) is toxic PCBs, PCDDs and the PCDFs determination is the application in the cod liver sample [29]. The analysis result showed all 12 priority PCB from liver sample congeners, and most toxic Dai Aoxin and fu nan the full separation and the proof nail fast with 90 PCBs and 17 contain poison PCDDs and PCDFs. Moreover, when compares with the standard sample preparation procedure, the liver sample pretreatment does not have the selectivity and reduces to is smallest. It has included the direct injection and fractionation followed cell degree of illness gradually dra ws back, the centrifuge process to enter GC?GC the system. Figure 4 showing from the 2nd stratography spectrum which obtains to the cod liver sample’s analysis. Recently, an item of multilaboratory research has been conducted in food sample, analyzes PCDD/Fs and World Health Organization PCBs through once more GC?GC-MECD and the GC-HRMS comparison and the explanation GC?GC great potential in the rapid surveillance application [31]. With the standard analysis method comparison GC?GC, GC?GC the performance is unified (GC?GC-ID-TOF MS) has to 13C mark isotopic dilution (ID) TOF MS conventional GC-HRMS to appraise [32]. Quantification 17 PCDD/Fs and four PCBs nail fast in the soil and in the deposition sample are two methods are comparable. However, GC?GC implementation request only smallest sample preparation, and causes the signal improvement (factor 5-10), superior resolution, lower instrumentation expense, and improved TOF the MS data [32] the ghost overlaps legitimately. As highest capacity which and resolution result increases, the unknown compound’s proof is possible. Fig. 4 GC?GC–ECD chromatogram of a cod liver sample spiked with 90 PCBs [29]. Pesticide Analysis Forms the challenge to the pesticide analysis to analyze the chemist to prepare about the sample to make the law and the chromatography. Is similar other toxic compound, the pesticide is usually distributed in the trace amount environment. Moreover, they are extreme complex matrix part of for example foods, the soil and the water sample. Needs to be like today presses to the rapid high resolution analysis method. GC?GC the application early showed the method potential regular implementation to the pesticide analysis in person’s organization in the future. Supercritical invariable extraction (SFE) with GC?GC-FID together utilizes the analysis in person’s blood serum [33] the pesticide. To were few from the sharp person’s blood serum extraction’s 15 pesticide’s foundation line segments achieve in four minutes. Later, GC?GC-FID to estimate that the child pesticide exposure has been utilized through the use urine and the blood serum [34] low-power. This special example in were few showed 16 pesticide complete separations in four minutes. Recently, has been demonstrated including PCBs and the organic chlorine pesticide 59 organization pollutant’s proof and the quantification [35]. But GC?GC-ID-TOF MS completed the comparable result author who ran in standard routine analysis (GC-ID-TOFMS) to indicate that analyzed like this, three different injection needs . GC?GC the application early showed the method potential regular implementation to the pesticide analysis in person’s organization in the future. Supercritical invariable extraction (SFE) with GC?GC-FID together utilizes the analysis in person’s blood serum [33]. Pesticide determination in food extract is similarly important. Separated using GC?GC-TOF MS and identifies 58 pesticides to nail fast completely on the vegetable was explained [36]. This completed with has been smallest and the non-selective sample preparation: The celery or the carrot sample and the sodium acetate and the ethyl acetate have chopped, mixed, was mixed, has been separated, and is dried. The extract is injected entered GC?GC [36]. Recently, separated 12 halogenate compound kind of groups five different GC?GC column combination to appraise, including PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs, multi-chlorobenzene diphenyl ester (PCDEs), multi-chlorobenzene naphthalene (PCNs), multi-chlorobenzene dibenzothiophenes (PCDTs), multi-chlorobenzene terphenyl (PCTs), multi-chlorobenzene alkane (PCAs), toxaphene, multi-bromination biphenyl (PBBs), multi-bromination diphenyl ether (PBDEs) and organic chlorine pesticide (OCPs) [37]. Although this article focal point is the different compound kind of major group separates, was also explained in the family separation. When the separation and proof all 28 OCPs are pure pesticide mixture has only been demonstrated that majority has been separated fully, since, when injects along other 11 compound kind of [37]. Therefore, its as if that the column establishment which disposes appropriately with one, GC?GC may use takes mainly shields step for the environment sample contamination and along pollutant m any other kind of pesticides, with smallest sample preparation. Air Analysis Volatile organic compound (VOCs) in metropolis photochemical smog [38] the generation plays a strong character. The World Health Organization thought that possibly has to the air granular material’s exposition to the human health [39] the ill effect. But, uncertainty existence about from VOCs health effect in metropolis granular material (PM) [40]. Therefore, requests rapid, reliable and information method guarantee in air pollutant successful surveillance, proof and discovery. Many PAHs and PAHs (oxy-PAHs) which oxidizes is the carcinogen which and the mutagen suspected, with, therefore they are in the metropolis aerosol analysis profitable target analysis. GC?GC-FID and GC?GC four-pole MS (QMS) is applied permits from Finland about 1500 peaks goal PAHs [41] investigates in the metropolis air sample and the proof. But woman is unified the method for the compound proof and the quantification, used GC?GC-FID the combination to confirm the good reproducibility. 13 non-goal PAHs has been identified, and ten goal PAHs by quota. Found PAH centralism scope (0.5-5.5 ng/m3) with in Europe [41] other parts of standard methods obtained the result was comparable. The cigarette smoke is estimate extreme complex mixture component [43] which has not recognized including about 4,700 kind of identification’s compound and 100,000. GC?GC-TOFMS utilizes the solution approximately from the cigarette smoke [43] 30,000 peaks. After this, analyzes cigarette smoke condensate simpler sample determination neutrality score [44], basic score [45] and acidic score [46] chemical composition. Conventional GC-MS possible to separate 200 unknown peaks and identifies 115 hydrocarbons from the cigarette condensate limitless neutral scores; To identical sample GC?GC analysis, however, has achieved 4,000 kind of compound separations and 1,800 hydrocarbons [44] proved. In another research, GC?GC-TOF has identified 377 kind of nitrogen-containing compound to the cigarette condensate’s basic score’s MS analysis, in 155 is the pyridine derivative, 104 kinds kui lin or different kui lin derivative and 56 kind of pyrazine derivative [45]. Conclusions GC?GC has achieved the condition rapidly for to the volatile organic compound analysis most powerful tool. It appoints oneself achievement to be suitable completely for in the complex sample surveillance analysis technology. In the environment analyzed area, this includes PCBs by the analysis many example testimony to the common environment pollutant, PCDDs, PCDFs, PAHs and the pesticide in the complex environment matrix. Moreover, GC?GC has the potential to simplify the sample preparation procedure (even completely to eliminate them), when simultaneously causes when the shorter overall analysis time high resolution stratography spectrum. Regarding widely a new analysis method which adopts, not only it is certainly reliable and renewable, but it should also exhibit the significant advantage to surpass the method which accepts. The example reported the showing GC?GC method advantage in this review in the traditional 1DGC separation. In GC?GC historical first years period, the instrumentation development is the main focal point; However, from GC?GC system’s commercialization, the application quantity which reported greatly increases in the environment analysis and other scientific fields. Therefore, we may anticipate that the transition automation GC?GC is unified on-line sample which the correspondence uses to prepare gradually the equipment in the regular environmental monitoring. References 1. Marriott PJ. Haglund P, Ong RCY. Clin Chim Acta. 2003, 328:1–19. 2. Pawliszyn J. Solid phase microextraction, theory and practice. Wiley, New York. 1997. 3. Pawliszyn J. (1999) Applications of solid phase microextraction. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge. 4. Dettmer K, Engewald W. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2002, 373: 490–500. 5. Butrym E. LC-GC. 1999, 17:S19–S24. 6. de Geus H-J, Wester PG, Schelvis A, de Boer J, Brinkman UATh. J Environ Monit. 2000, 2:503–511. 7. Mrowetz SHJ. J Chromatogr A. 1983, 279:173–187. 8. 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Health aspects of air pollution with particulate matter, ozone and nitrogen dioxide. World Health Organization, Bonn. 2003. 40. Welthagen W, Schnelle-Kreis J, Zimmermann R. J Chromatogr A. 2003, 1019:233–249. 41. Kallio M, Hyotilainen T, Lehtonen M, Jussila ML, Hartonen K, Shimmo M, Riekkola M-L. J Chromatogr A. 2003, 1019:251– 260. 42. Schnelle-Kreis J, Welthagen W, Sklorz M, Zimmermann R. J Sep Sci. 2005, 28:1648–1657. 43. Dalluge J, van Stee LLP, Xu X, Williams J, Beens J, Vreuls RJJ, Brinkman UATh. J Chromatogr A.2002, 974:169–184. 44. Lu X, Zhao M, Kong H, Cai J, Wu J, Wu M, Hua R, Liu J, Xu G. J Chromatogr A. 2004, 1043:265–273. 45. Lu X, Zhao M, Cai J, Kong H, Wu J, Wu M, Hua R, Liu J, Xu G. J Sep Sci. 2004, 27:101–109. 46. Lu X, Cai J, Zhao M, Kong H, Wu J, Wu M, Hua R, Liu J, Xu G. Anal Chem. 2004, 74:4441–4451. Application of 2D gas chromatography for environmental analysis All these benefits make GC?GC in the toxic compounds involved in the determination of trace level environmental analysis of a very good tool in complex matrices. This paper summarizes some of the environmental analysis and review and monitoring of the GC?GC applications Introduction Many years of humans society development led to many of the world distribution of chemicals in the atmosphere, the Earth’s surface and land border. Many of these compounds are harmful to the world’s ecosystems and the people. Analysis of these compounds in the environment is important. When analytes have high vapor pressure, gas chromatography is the selection method. The main problem in the environmental analysis is to analyze the existence of material is usually very complex matrix trace. Result, a huge research work into the analysis of major environmental pollutants [1]. Methods used in environmental analysis is usually the same as in all aspects of practice. It includes sampling, sample preparation, separation and detection. All of these steps may benefit from change, it is usually the biggest limitations imposed by the separation step. In gas chromatography (GC) cases, the majority of environmental samples containing analyte and matrix components of many closely eluting peaks in a chromatographic dimension (1D) the maximum total capacity is greatly exceeded, and many coelutions and unresolved in the separation region was observed. This led to the analyte of interest and quantify the poor separation [1]. Poor resolution in the chromatographic analysis of sample preparation and detection of high demand for equipment placement. Expensive and labor-intensive sample preparation, and solvent waste may cause a lot of harmful to the environment. By microextraction method development, such as liquid-liquid microextraction (LLME) and solid phase microextraction (SPME) and non-dissolved sample introduction system (ie, direct thermal desorption), has the potential to greatly simplify the sample preparation process, without sacrificing sensitivity and selectivity [2-5]. On investigation, lack of resolution often means using mass spectrometry (MS), including high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), in some cases, is necessary. Figure 1 illustrates the GC-MS encountered in the common problems [36]. In the analysis of food extracts commonly 1D-GC clinch with insecticides (Fig. 1b), trace interest (in this case chlorfenvinphos) coelute analyte and sample matrix is more abundant components. Results obtained for such compounds, mass spectrometry (Figure 1e) frequently contains compounds derived from fragments of interference, leading to poor matching and library mass spectrometry (Fig. 1d). MS overlap algorithm may greatly improve the quality of the information of coeluting peak, but they are not always successful, when the number of coelutions is high. Figure 1a shows, full 2D-GC (GC?GC) to increase space and improve the chromatographic separation of the resolution, resulting in the separation of analytes of interest (chlorfenvinphos) from coeluting compounds and matrix components. Result, improved the quality of the analyte mass (Fig. 1c), taking into account the proof of a more confident analysis of material (Figure 1d). It is possible that some coelutions exist; these may often solve efficiently overlap with the MS, leading to better results, while reducing the number of components when the coeluting. GC?GC separation with the increased power resulting in a successful demo nstration and quantification of analytes. Fig. 1 GC?GC–TOF MS versus 1D-GC–TOF MS for the analysis of a carrot extract. The highest-capacity problem in terms of conventional gas chromatography through multi-dimensional gas chromatography to cope (MDGC) implementation. In this method, one-dimensional (1D) chromatogram of a complex and unresolved part is subjected to the stationary phase coated with a second column separation of the other selectivity [1]. Although this method increases the 1D chromatographic part of the choice of chromatographic resolutions, this method with automation challenging, and only a few sample components can be adequately addressed. However, the many applications is good for the PCBs, pesticides and toxaphene analysis, among other things, the report with different degrees of success [6-12]. Overall, however, is the exact number of separation will be beneficial, if the entire sample is subjected to a separation in two dimensions. This became possible a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC?GC) in the introduction. Principle for Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC?GC) 2D-GC is a comprehensive method of fundamental solution to meet the highest capacity. A typical structure of GC?GC set in Figure 2. The basic structure of GC?GC using virtually is the same as the composition of 1D-GC. These include syringes, oven, columns and detectors. In a typical GC?GC system, using non-polar stationary phase coated with a thick coating of a long column was installed as the main column. The exports through a special interface or modem is connected to the entrance of the second dimension column coated with stationary phase of another selectivity. Modulator connected not only to primary and secondary column; its main role is repeated trapping of the effluent fractions from the first dimension and periodic injection of them to the form of narrow pulses separated into further chromatographic analysis. Because the operation of 2D-GC in the fast condition, the detector in the GC?GC selection is limited to those capable of fast data collection rate. For example, GC?GC de tector can include flame ionization detector (FID), electron capture detector (ECD), single atomic emission detector (AED), sulfur compounds optical detector (SCD), nitrogen photodetector compounds (NCD) and time of flight mass spectrometer (TOF MS). Fig. 2 A block diagram of a GC?GC system. Modulator is the important part of the instrument, because it guarantees the separation is comprehensive and multidimensional [13]. In 1991, the first implementation of the GC?GC, the field has witnessed a number of modulator design [14]. Initially, the use of thermal adjustment of the heat modulator was implemented; however, the modular cryogenic liquid (liquid carbon dioxide or nitrogen) is currently the main use. Modulator at low temperatures within the system, each design has its own distinct advantages and limitations, making it suitable for analysis of the specific type. For example, the analysis of water pollutants has been developed an interface [19], when the buildings, and an in-house applications modulator in the quantitative analysis of PAHs and PCBs has been described [15]. Then, the modulator of the different types of analyte in the analysis of organohalogenated been evaluated [16]. The implementation of GC?GC provides the following advantage to surpass the 1D separation method: improvement separation strength; improved sensitivities; and constructs or highly predetermined, stratography spectrum. In the environment analysis, GC?GC has the potential to improve the toxic compound through the separation from the coeluting analysis and the matrix component, increases the detection limit such chemical product and provides the ideal for the surveillance application the two-dimensional stratography spectrum which constructs. Finally, this possibly causes to reduce to the smallest sample preparation procedure, and reduces analysis time. Other applications are also possible. For example, recently, GC?GC the product estimate which divided into for the diesel oil hydrocarbon environment had used, was important affected many ecosystems [17] the oil leak. Application of GC?GC in Environmental Analysis Water and Sediment Analysis The water is the most basic material to the life in planet. In order to estimate that the tap water safety for human consumption, the rapid, precise and the accurate method needs to analysis the water. The sediment is also important for river and the lake; The analysis of water pollutant is time-consuming sample preparation, follows by GC-MS analyzes. In the initial period realized that GC?GC has the great potential improvement to analysis water and sediment. In its earliest applications in this region, GC?GC was explained possibly from the common matrix interference which is separating the BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene) and methyl alcohol tert butyl ether (MTBE), when and SPME [18]. The separation strength of GC?GC is improved; MTBE and the benzene are the foundation line solution in the 2nd chromatograph analysis space. This research showed GC?GC has the great potential for water pollutant analysis by combination this technology with microextraction (head space SPME). Certain Earth’s freshwater body is polluted daily by petroleum and the oil contamination. In the 1970s, it is pays attention the petroleum sample stratography spectrum to exhibit a model, has not solved, foundation line which rises â€Å"hillock† [20]. Chromatogram is the complex part, including compound many different kinds, refers to â€Å"unsolution complex mixture† at present [21]. GC?GC-FID uses in analysis of two different freshwater sediments [21]. Observed the conventional sample preparation procedure, the author has used the superior resolution, and has constructed the chromatogram of sediment for UCM different levele by GC?GC. The chromatogram obtained for two samples provides by clue direction contamination important source researcher. , The research showed GC?GC the potential importantly in the environment law, for an environmental chemistry basic tool, environmental audit. The nonylphenol polyethylene ethoxides’ degenerated product, was possible feminine hormone splitter [22]. Increases the concern, NPs from the urban district [23] the water and the deposition present are found. GC?GC-TOF MS is the NP isomer separation from technical mixture [24] used. 41 components are identified. Figure 3 explanation GC?GC-TOF MS application to NP isomer respective ion trace analysis from identical research. Two NP stave products were explained that m/z 135 (chart 3a) and m/z 149 (chart 3b). Two chromatogram exhibition group type separation, emphasizes by the connection compound peak maximum value in the identical homologous family incline line. It from as a result of various NP isomer structure similarity, the complete separation is the very difficult this chart is obvious. However, other resolution strength by GC?GC provided â€Å"cleanly† the mass spectrum to provide, made the analysis proof to be easier. Fig. 3. Extracted ion GC?GC–TOF MS chromatograms of a technical nonylphenyl (NP) mixture GC?GC for to the environment pollutant’s analysis was recently the application current in oceanic deposit [25]. A qualitative method has developed, fast and is unified according to the tendency by the ultrasonic wave assistance’s extraction to the complex sample’s high resolution analysis provides to GC?GC-TOF UAE which is fast and high efficiency selective sampling pretreatment procedure is utilized solid sample [30]. A high efficiency and has the selective sample preparation method, when the powerful separation method GC?GC combine with UAE can causes 1500 kind of more than several not aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) the compound and the certificate resolution, NPs and dialkylated benzene. Once more, GC?GC not only ability from each other isolation analysis, and has proven from the sample matrix priceless. The carcinogen which and the mutagen suspected, PAHs is many industry activity by-product and the universal existence is distributed in the environment. Because it requests the hard sledding and has the selective sample preparation, they in the deposition sample’s trace determination are difficult. The improvement to complex matrix’s PAHs, the Cavagnino trace analysis with GC?GC-FID [large-volume splitless injection (LVSI) technology]. Sample complex which analyzes is many deposition sample representative who obtains from the river and the lake. Separated and investigates seven PAHs which diluted in the synthesis diesel oil to demonstrate the LVSI- GC?GC-FID potential achievement in the low ppb level for to trace amount analysis one powerful and the rapid tool in complex matrix PAHs. While, Ong. and so on has developed a PAHs rapid surveillance method probably in the soil sample, utilizes liquid extraction (PLE) – GC?GC-FID [27]. The current publishing work is merely GC?GC latent serviceable demonstration to deposition sample PAH analysis. In brief, with the resolution which improves, improvement many sensitivities and the stratography spectrum which orders, GC?GC may add on the result which effective and the rapid sample preparation method produces cannot be achieved by the routine analysis procedure. Analysis of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and some polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners is dominated by bioaccumulation and biomagnification in the environment and thus is a dangerous The wildlife and people. Many are suspected carcinogens and induced changes of [28]. Of PCBs, dioxins and furans in the environment assessment of certain requirements of a method to isolate and quantify them in complex samples such as food, soil and water. GC?GC provides one advantageous method in complex matrix’s PCDDs and the PCDFs analysis. In its one of early experiments, a liquid crystal main column and a limitless secondary column (according to steam pressure separation) uses in (according to the planarity separation) separates the tone – and from technical mixture [30] non-straight PCB congeners. The connection GC?GC microelectron captures investigates (MECD) is toxic PCBs, PCDDs and the PCDFs determination is the application in the cod liver sample [29]. The analysis result showed all 12 priority PCB from liver sample congeners, and most toxic Dai Aoxin and fu nan the full separation and the proof nail fast with 90 PCBs and 17 contain poison PCDDs and PCDFs. Moreover, when compares with the standard sample preparation procedure, the liver sample pretreatment does not have the selectivity and reduces to is smallest. It has included the direct injection and fractionation followed cell degree of illness gradually dra ws back, the centrifuge process to enter GC?GC the system. Figure 4 showing from the 2nd stratography spectrum which obtains to the cod liver sample’s analysis. Recently, an item of multilaboratory research has been conducted in food sample, analyzes PCDD/Fs and World Health Organization PCBs through once more GC?GC-MECD and the GC-HRMS comparison and the explanation GC?GC great potential in the rapid surveillance application [31]. With the standard analysis method comparison GC?GC, GC?GC the performance is unified (GC?GC-ID-TOF MS) has to 13C mark isotopic dilution (ID) TOF MS conventional GC-HRMS to appraise [32]. Quantification 17 PCDD/Fs and four PCBs nail fast in the soil and in the deposition sample are two methods are comparable. However, GC?GC implementation request only smallest sample preparation, and causes the signal improvement (factor 5-10), superior resolution, lower instrumentation expense, and improved TOF the MS data [32] the ghost overlaps legitimately. As highest capacity which and resolution result increases, the unknown compound’s proof is possible. Fig. 4 GC?GC–ECD chromatogram of a cod liver sample spiked with 90 PCBs [29]. Pesticide Analysis Forms the challenge to the pesticide analysis to analyze the chemist to prepare about the sample to make the law and the chromatography. Is similar other toxic compound, the pesticide is usually distributed in the trace amount environment. Moreover, they are extreme complex matrix part of for example foods, the soil and the water sample. Needs to be like today presses to the rapid high resolution analysis method. GC?GC the application early showed the method potential regular implementation to the pesticide analysis in person’s organization in the future. Supercritical invariable extraction (SFE) with GC?GC-FID together utilizes the analysis in person’s blood serum [33] the pesticide. To were few from the sharp person’s blood serum extraction’s 15 pesticide’s foundation line segments achieve in four minutes. Later, GC?GC-FID to estimate that the child pesticide exposure has been utilized through the use urine and the blood serum [34] low-power. This special example in were few showed 16 pesticide complete separations in four minutes. Recently, has been demonstrated including PCBs and the organic chlorine pesticide 59 organization pollutant’s proof and the quantification [35]. But GC?GC-ID-TOF MS completed the comparable result author who ran in standard routine analysis (GC-ID-TOFMS) to indicate that analyzed like this, three different injection needs . GC?GC the application early showed the method potential regular implementation to the pesticide analysis in person’s organization in the future. Supercritical invariable extraction (SFE) with GC?GC-FID together utilizes the analysis in person’s blood serum [33]. Pesticide determination in food extract is similarly important. Separated using GC?GC-TOF MS and identifies 58 pesticides to nail fast completely on the vegetable was explained [36]. This completed with has been smallest and the non-selective sample preparation: The celery or the carrot sample and the sodium acetate and the ethyl acetate have chopped, mixed, was mixed, has been separated, and is dried. The extract is injected entered GC?GC [36]. Recently, separated 12 halogenate compound kind of groups five different GC?GC column combination to appraise, including PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs, multi-chlorobenzene diphenyl ester (PCDEs), multi-chlorobenzene naphthalene (PCNs), multi-chlorobenzene dibenzothiophenes (PCDTs), multi-chlorobenzene terphenyl (PCTs), multi-chlorobenzene alkane (PCAs), toxaphene, multi-bromination biphenyl (PBBs), multi-bromination diphenyl ether (PBDEs) and organic chlorine pesticide (OCPs) [37]. Although this article focal point is the different compound kind of major group separates, was also explained in the family separation. When the separation and proof all 28 OCPs are pure pesticide mixture has only been demonstrated that majority has been separated fully, since, when injects along other 11 compound kind of [37]. Therefore, its as if that the column establishment which disposes appropriately with one, GC?GC may use takes mainly shields step for the environment sample contamination and along pollutant m any other kind of pesticides, with smallest sample preparation. Air Analysis Volatile organic compound (VOCs) in metropolis photochemical smog [38] the generation plays a strong character. The World Health Organization thought that possibly has to the air granular material’s exposition to the human health [39] the ill effect. But, uncertainty existence about from VOCs health effect in metropolis granular material (PM) [40]. Therefore, requests rapid, reliable and information method guarantee in air pollutant successful surveillance, proof and discovery. Many PAHs and PAHs (oxy-PAHs) which oxidizes is the carcinogen which and the mutagen suspected, with, therefore they are in the metropolis aerosol analysis profitable target analysis. GC?GC-FID and GC?GC four-pole MS (QMS) is applied permits from Finland about 1500 peaks goal PAHs [41] investigates in the metropolis air sample and the proof. But woman is unified the method for the compound proof and the quantification, used GC?GC-FID the combination to confirm the good reproducibility. 13 non-goal PAHs has been identified, and ten goal PAHs by quota. Found PAH centralism scope (0.5-5.5 ng/m3) with in Europe [41] other parts of standard methods obtained the result was comparable. The cigarette smoke is estimate extreme complex mixture component [43] which has not recognized including about 4,700 kind of identification’s compound and 100,000. GC?GC-TOFMS utilizes the solution approximately from the cigarette smoke [43] 30,000 peaks. After this, analyzes cigarette smoke condensate simpler sample determination neutrality score [44], basic score [45] and acidic score [46] chemical composition. Conventional GC-MS possible to separate 200 unknown peaks and identifies 115 hydrocarbons from the cigarette condensate limitless neutral scores; To identical sample GC?GC analysis, however, has achieved 4,000 kind of compound separations and 1,800 hydrocarbons [44] proved. In another research, GC?GC-TOF has identified 377 kind of nitrogen-containing compound to the cigarette condensate’s basic score’s MS analysis, in 155 is the pyridine derivative, 104 kinds kui lin or different kui lin derivative and 56 kind of pyrazine derivative [45]. Conclusions GC?GC has achieved the condition rapidly for to the volatile organic compound analysis most powerful tool. It appoints oneself achievement to be suitable completely for in the complex sample surveillance analysis technology. In the environment analyzed area, this includes PCBs by the analysis many example testimony to the common environment pollutant, PCDDs, PCDFs, PAHs and the pesticide in the complex environment matrix. Moreover, GC?GC has the potential to simplify the sample preparation procedure (even completely to eliminate them), when simultaneously causes when the shorter overall analysis time high resolution stratography spectrum. Regarding widely a new analysis method which adopts, not only it is certainly reliable and renewable, but it should also exhibit the significant advantage to surpass the method which accepts. The example reported the showing GC?GC method advantage in this review in the traditional 1DGC separation. 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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Explain the importance of strategic alliances in international Assignment

Explain the importance of strategic alliances in international business and the reasons why companies choose this growth strateg - Assignment Example This action of entering into foreign markets opens up the firm to benefits of economies of scale and increased opportunities for marketing and distribution. However, the cost linked with entering into foreign markets may far out-span the capabilities of a single firm (BLEEKE & ERNST 1993, 27). This then dictates the need to enter into a strategic alliance with another international firm. This has the effect of expediting the rate of entry into the foreign market albeit maintaining relative low costs (SHENKAR & REUER 2006, 71). Several logistical tussles are still to be encountered with entry into foreign markets. These tussles range from entrenched competition, unfriendly government regulation and irrelevant beauracracies (GIBBS & HUMPHRIES 2009, 45). There is a higher prospect of overcoming these obstacles when strategic alliances are employed, as contrasted to when the firm decides to venture into foreign markets on a solitary basis. There exist three core categories via which stra tegic alliance can be regarded. The first one of these is joint ventures. Joint ventures are formed when the respective companies combine to form an independent company. The respective companies decide to share the profit and loss of the new entity that will be created. One of the most notable cases where joint venture was created is that of Sony Ericson. Sony and Ericson decided to form a new entity known as Sony Ericson Mobile Communications. However, this new entity has just recently been fully owned by the Sony Corporation who renamed it Sony Mobile Communications. The next category of strategic alliances is equity strategic alliances. This entails the new partners having different percentages of equity in the new venture. Depending on the motive or goal of the strategic alliance, the partners can either opt to share equity in each other’s business on in one business. The determining factor is the reason for the strategic alliance. An example of such an alliance is that b etween Star-Bucks and Kraft. The last category of strategic alliance is non-equity strategic alliances. This is when a strategic alliance is carried out on the terms of a contract agreement rather than on the ownership basis. The relationship of this kind is usually referred to as a contractual relationship. A good example of a non-equity strategic alliance is the one between Vodafone and Telecom Malaysia. The deal was signed in 2006 whereby Vodafone was the leading partner. Strategic alliance requires a well though-out procedure to ensure the alliance is successful and realizes its intended goal(s). Prior to embarking on an alliance, firms should choose partners whose strategic goals and objectives are compatible to their own. The firm should take into consideration the extent to which synergy will be availed. Additionally, firms should endeavour to participate in strategic alliances that complement the firm. This translates to mean that, firms ought to engage in alliances that wil l complement their skills, their products and services in addition to its market share. Akin to all business agreements, rules and regulations must be incorporated into strategic alliances. These factors are divided into scope of operation and length of cooperation. The scope of operation entails partners agreeing on how to handle potentially competitively sensitive information. Secondly, it expounds on what will be shared and what will

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Cities since 1780 Essay

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Cities since 1780 - Essay Example Before the industrial revolution took force in England, most of the population lived in rural areas. In fact, over the course of the nineteenth century the population rate of towns would grow from 16% to 54% (Roberts, 348). Up until this time the government's response to civil services in cities was based on the laissez-faire concept of leaving people to their own devices. Because most citizens lived in agricultural areas such necessities as transportation, water and sanitation were not deemed necessary concerns for government interference. The sudden and overwhelming influx of the populace into tight, centralized location forced the government to reconsider this method of governance. With the construction of factories and housing for the labourers sent to work in those factories, cities were faced with newfound and critical needs to reorganize their policies on sewage, travel infrastructure and water supplies. Although the industrial revolution led to terrible working conditions for men, women and even children, and sparked the era of pollution and environmental and ecological exploitation, it was also the driving force behind development and modernization of public transportation, schooling, and health care (Roberts, 351). As a result of people moving into

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Website Lesson Plans Essay Example for Free

Website Lesson Plans Essay In math there are many interactions that can be done to get children to learn math. With these interaction it will build skills that will help lay the foundation for more confident math learner. With the development of problem solving children will understand that there are many different ways to come up with an answer and apply it to math successfully and to apply it to their everyday life. To do this children need to be included in activities and in math language. It can include weighting, measuring, comparing, and figuring out numbers, numbers, charts, shape or symbols. With mathematical reasoning children are able to think logically, see similarities and the differences in objects or problems. They will be able to make choices based on their own findings. The children will be about to think about the relationship or math language that it might hold for them. These lesson will be able to show anyone what a child is learning, how, and why they learn math. It helps them calculate in mathematical method. It will identify the levels at which individual child are working in the subject of learning. These children will be studying for an instructional goal or objective of learning that is required for the teaching in the standard of math. The major concept skill of students, principle will be identify and learned. One or more concept skills will be taught and addressed in the lessons. In a 5th grade math â€Å"Numbers and Operations† lesson the object of it is to get children to learn why numbers are an important part of every day life. It helps to talk with the children about the different reasons why numbers are used in everyday life. After the teacher talks to the student then the teacher can ask the children some question on numbers. What are some uses for numbers? Why are numbers important? The teacher than can let the class look around the room and see if they can point out any uses for numbers in the classroom. After a while the teach will point out some less obvious uses for numbers in the room: the number two on a pencil, the clock, the windows in the room, the number of paint brushes, and the number of children in the classroom. The teacher can than re-ask more questions about numbers: where can the children see numbers, why are numbers there, are they measuring, representing groups, or telling time (Discovery Education, 2013)? When everyone has returned to their desk and shared what they have found the teacher will ask all the students to imagine a world without numbers: what would it be like, how would the classroom or school be different, and how would things be different? The students will have a few minutes to think and share their thoughts about the subject. Than the teacher will talk about what the children do in the class or at home: what would be hard to do with out numbers, how does numbers help them know when to go to school, how does numbers help them stand in line or how many plates to get for the table? By asking the children these questions it really gets them to think about why and how numbers are used in every day life (Discovery Education, 2013). Near the end of class the children will write or draw in their journals to show a time they had used number in their life. The higher level children can write and draw a picture to show what they did. When they are done in their journal the children can display their work for the class to see (Discovery Education, 2013). This lesson is about getting the children to understand numbers. The children find ways to represent numbers in their life. They also start to build a relationship and system with numbers. The children come to understand the measurable attribute, process, system measurement of objects and units in numbers (Discovery Education, 2013).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

False Perception of Equality in Society Essay example -- Literary Anal

In Kurt Vonnegut’s story, â€Å"Harrison Bergeron,† everyone is made equal by the United States Handicapper Genera1 while the country is under totalitarian control. Handicaps are forced upon the people by the Handicapper General to create an all-equal society. The character George Bergeron is forced to stay equal by the government’s laws of equality while his wife, Hazel Bergeron, is of only average intelligence, and consequently not given a handicap. Their son, however, has broken the laws of equality and is fugitive of the United States Handicapper General. The conflict between the United States Handicapper General and the Bergeron family helps to establish and develop the theme of a false perception of equality. George and Hazel Bergeron help to establish the theme of the false perception of equality in the society: â€Å"George, while his intelligence was way above normal, had a little mental handicap radio in his ear† (1200). The handicap radio sends sharp noises ever few minutes to break his thought process. This handicap stops George from having an advantage over anyone in intelligence. George is also forced to wear a handicap bag around his neck to make him weaker: â€Å"She was referring to the forty-seven pounds of birdshot in a canvas bag, which was padlocked around George’s neck† (1201). In the eyes of the society these handicaps make him equal. His wife Hazel, however, does not have a handicap that she is forced to wear: â€Å"Having no mental handicap herself† she is already average, so there is no need for a physical or mental handicap (1200). The story explains this, â€Å"Hazel had a perfectly average intelligence, which meant she couldn’t t hink about anything except in short bursts† (1200). Hazel and George are a clear example of wh... ...he ballerina, the musicians, and Harrison all have the desire to break free of the government’s false perception of equality, for they acted out of accordance when given the opportunity without fear of punishment In the story the government has created an all-equal system in order to control society and to stop any chance of revolt. The government has clearly succeeded in their goal of brainwashing Hazel and George into believing in the system of equality even when it clearly has major flaws. Vonnegut’s point to the story is that Harrison has fallen short of the government’s accord causing chaos and proving that an all-equal system exists only for totalitarian control. The irony is that the gifted individuals are given handicaps and the average people are left free of any constraints, and the truth is, that within the equal society inequality is the sovereign.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Book Smart vs Street Smart Essay

In the article, â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism,† Gerald Graff discusses the topic of book smart versus street smart. Being street smart means having interest in other activities more than in school work, while being book smart is the complete opposite of that. Graff believes that having the personality of a street smart person can benefit society if one knows how to channel their potential correctly. He persuades his views to the readers by using his personal experiences and displaying the positives of being street smart. During his childhood years, Graff lived in a middle class neighborhood, while being a block away from what would be classified to some people as the â€Å"hood. † He would encounter people from that part of the hood daily. He would have to hide his intelligence in the fear that he would get beat up or robbed. He loved sports more than school, so he thought he was in the street smart crowd. â€Å"It was in these discussions with friends about toughness and sports, I think, and in my reading of sports books and magazines, that I began to learn the rudiments of the intellectual life†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Graff 10). In this quote, Graff explains how being street smart was actually helpful for him. He was learning elements of argumentation without even meaning to do so. He later explains the different kinds of components he learned in his arguments, â€Å"†¦how to make an argument, weigh different kinds of evidence, move between particulars and generalizations, summarize the views of others, and enter a conversation about ideas† (Graff 10). He did not think it would have been this easy to do all of these things without reading something to do with Shakespeare. When he realized that loving sports and being able to argue over this subject was actually helping him, he started doing some research on how schools should use relatable subjects to help the street smart students connect like the other students do. This way they would be able to learn in a way that is most understandable to them. He explains that if a student would rather choose a sports magazine over a novel to write about, then it is only smart enough to assign them to write from the magazine. This way they are interested in what they are writing about, and also they are bettering their writing skills. â€Å"Give me the student anytime who writes a sharply argued, sociologically acute analysis of an issue in Source over the student who writes a lifeless explication of Hamlet or Socrates’ Apology† (Graff 18). In this ending statement, Graff is confident about his views and is openly challenging anybody to contradict whatever he has previously stated. Graff’s personal experiences assist in conveying why he felt so strong about this topic. Also, he gives ideas to schools and universities on what teaching material they should use for the street smart students. Not only does he provide help, but he is also confident of its success. There is a way to use the street smart in a book smart type of way.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Visit to a Mosque

Theology I have been a member of the Catholic Church my entire life. Although I have often taken time to reflect on my faith, never once have I made an attempt to explore a religion aside from my own. Recently, I stepped outside of my comfort zone and was fortunate enough to visit a mosque. A mosque is a place of worship for followers of Islam, or one who is Muslim. There are a multitude of services I could have visited to experience a new religion, each with their own identity.The reason I ultimately chose o visit a mosque is because Muslims believe all life begins and ends with God, as do l. However, unlike Catholics, the Islamic religion does not believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, nor that he was crucified on the cross. My goal was to gain a better understanding of the beliefs Catholics and Muslims share, how they differ, and why. The experience was refreshing, and I feel as though I left the mosque with solid answers to my questions, and a new outlook on my own faith. The mosque I visited, called the Mosque Foundation, is located in Bridgeview, Illinois.Although there are mosques shorter in distance from my home, I was told the experience would prove to be better at this particular mosque. When first walking in, I observed many people gathered in the hallways visiting and conversing with one another. After a short time, the women proceeded down stairs and the men stayed upstairs near the main entrance. One woman was gracious enough to explain to me the events taking place. Men and women separate to take part in Salat, or prayer. Because the prayer ritual requires putting one's forehead to the ground, shoes are emoved and placed on shelves.Every woman was dressed modestly and wore a veil/ scarf covering their hair. While many people are aware that Muslim women wear this garment on their heads, perhaps what is not known is that this is a religious practice. Many Muslims believe God requires the hair to be covered, as this is stated in the Qu'ran (what Muslims believe to be His final book). I sat on a chair in the back to watch the group of women prays. I noticed there were a handful of girls sitting on chairs in the back as well, away from the group.It was explained to me that Muslim irls who are menstruating are not permitted to participate in prayer, as they are considered to be unclean. In order to practice traditional salat, one must be in a state of ritual purity. The salat itself is of great importance to Muslims because it is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars of Islam are five basic acts that are mandatory of Muslims and are considered to be the foundation of Muslim life. The pillars are as follows; 1 . Shahadah- declaring there is no God except God, and Muhammad is God's messenger. 2 .Salat-a ritual prayer done five times a day. . Sawm- fasting and self- control during Ramadan. 4. Zakat- giving 2. 5% of one's savings to the poor. 5. HaJJ- Pilgrimage to the Mecca at least once in lifetime if he/she is abl e to do so. The Muslim faith pray five times a day. The actual salat consists of a series of movements called Rakat. Verses are read aloud by a man over a loudspeaker and the movements are made. The movements, or different parts of the Rakat consist of bowing low with the hands on the knees, lowering oneself to the ground with the forehead and sitting with the feet folded under the body.The actual prayer lasts for less than ten minutes. When the men and women were finished praying, I had a chance to sit down with the Imam, the one who lead the worship service. The Imam's name was Khalid. Khalid welcomed me into his office and talked with me for over an hour about Islam. He knew I was of the Catholic faith, thus the majority of our conversation was spent discussing the differences between us. What I gathered from Khalid is that Muslims believe in one God, who created all, and nothing is worthy of worship except Him. Our entire purpose in this life is to serve im.Muslims do love and v enerate Jesus only as a prophet and a messenger, not as the Son of God. They do not feel Jesus was slain on the cross. According to Khalid, Jesus was sent to the people of Israel to revive a spiritual connection with God. This is one very significant way Catholics differ from Muslims, because not only to we feel God gave the world Jesus as His son, but we also worship Jesus and pray to him. Catholics also believe Mary to be the Mother of God. Muslims do believe Mary did indeed give birth to Jesus, though she was a virgin.The Imam was very adamant bout the fact that Muslims do not Judge others, nor impose their beliefs upon others. They do however feel that Imam is the right and only way one should live, and those that do not practice the right way will be sent to hell. Those who do not live as God wanted us to, especially those that have been shown the way and turned their back, will be punished. I asked how the Muslim faith feels about those that were never shown the way of God-per haps a tribe of some sort never connecting with the outside world- how does God treat them? I questioned how could they know if they were never taught?The answer I received was simple. The Muslims leave those type of questions to God, because only He knows the answer-but they do believe He will treat them fairly. The conversation I had with Khalid had me questioning my own fate. Certainly, I nave been shown the way. Even though I am Catholic, I – like the Muslim taitn- teel as though our purpose is to serve God. This is what He wants us to do and why he put us here. My visit to the mosque made me realize that it is time to make a choice on how I serve God. I feel giving minimal attention and thanks to God is not good enough.Khalid opened my eyes when he said â€Å"those who turned their backs will be punished. † I would never turn my back, but I do need to make some small, achievable changes to feel right again with the Lord. I respect how loyal followers of Islam are. Even with the world changing rapidly, the apathetic attitude people have about religion, technology, temptation, etc. , the Muslim faith is stronger than ever, now the largest religion in the world. The reason they devote their lives to Islam is because they are certain they will be rewarded. Perhaps we could all learn something from visiting a mosque once in our lives.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Mockingbirds

When Atticus Finch tells his children, â€Å"shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird† (p. 99), the mockingbird motif becomes apparent. This is the motif that gives the novel it’s name based upon an important theme and is directly related to two of the major characters. At first, this excerpt may appear to be insignificant to the story. However, the reader becomes aware that the mockingbird image is used extensively throughout the book. As the first half of the novel focuses on the mysterious Boo Radley and the second half on the Tom Robinson trial, both of these characters can be viewed as mockingbirds - harmless creatures who are unjustly persecuted by society. The full significance of Atticus’s remark, â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird† (p. 99), is explained by Miss Maudie Atkinson. Miss Maudie informs Scout that mockingbirds do nothing but â€Å"sing their hearts out for us† (p. 100), making music for us to enjoy. They represent a gentle and innocent creature and the destruction of these birds is a senseless act of injustice. The slaughter of a mockingbird can be likened to the bigoted treatment of Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. The children’s obsession with Boo Radley brings dominance to his character. Although he is rarely seen by Jem and Scout, it is his mystique that they find fascinating. He is a constant source of their conversations and games. Through his gifts in the tree, the mending of Jem’s pants and covering Scout with a blanket as she witnessed the burning of Miss Maudie’s house, the reader becomes aware, long before Scout does, that Boo is an affectionate person. He watches the children from a distance because he is too shy to come out and make friends. Because of Boo’s unsociable manner he is persecuted by the community. It is not until Boo saves Jem and Scout’s lives, by killing Bob Ewell, that Scout finally under... Free Essays on Mockingbirds Free Essays on Mockingbirds When Atticus Finch tells his children, â€Å"shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird† (p. 99), the mockingbird motif becomes apparent. This is the motif that gives the novel it’s name based upon an important theme and is directly related to two of the major characters. At first, this excerpt may appear to be insignificant to the story. However, the reader becomes aware that the mockingbird image is used extensively throughout the book. As the first half of the novel focuses on the mysterious Boo Radley and the second half on the Tom Robinson trial, both of these characters can be viewed as mockingbirds - harmless creatures who are unjustly persecuted by society. The full significance of Atticus’s remark, â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird† (p. 99), is explained by Miss Maudie Atkinson. Miss Maudie informs Scout that mockingbirds do nothing but â€Å"sing their hearts out for us† (p. 100), making music for us to enjoy. They represent a gentle and innocent creature and the destruction of these birds is a senseless act of injustice. The slaughter of a mockingbird can be likened to the bigoted treatment of Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. The children’s obsession with Boo Radley brings dominance to his character. Although he is rarely seen by Jem and Scout, it is his mystique that they find fascinating. He is a constant source of their conversations and games. Through his gifts in the tree, the mending of Jem’s pants and covering Scout with a blanket as she witnessed the burning of Miss Maudie’s house, the reader becomes aware, long before Scout does, that Boo is an affectionate person. He watches the children from a distance because he is too shy to come out and make friends. Because of Boo’s unsociable manner he is persecuted by the community. It is not until Boo saves Jem and Scout’s lives, by killing Bob Ewell, that Scout finally under...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Career management in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Career management in business - Essay Example These are the active and passive forms. The active strategies are implemented for the purpose of career management and they involve training of employees and organization of career workshops. The passive strategies, on the other hand, involve organizational practices such as performance indicators and reviews (Arnold, 1997) Although many organizations put a lot of effort in the facilitation of career management through passive activities, a few of them have incorporated both active and passive strategies into their business operations. Career management, therefore, provides an opportunity for an organization to achieve its aspirations and interest through a convergence of individuals who possess these with the business needs. The organizational leadership can provide development and direction to the individuals who seek career progression. The ever-changing global market place is always a challenge for organizations to recognize and improve. With the current trend of market dynamics, there is increasing demand for creative and effective recruitment and retention of workforce. Supportive career management practices where employee career development and satisfaction in the workplace are emphasized (Arthur, Inkson and Pringle, 1999). Organizations should seek to implement management practices in order to facilitate and encourage employees to find value in the organizations (THORNTON, 2007). A supportive career management practice ensures that the expectations of the employee are clearly set. This enables the employee identify what is expected of them in the organization throughout their career. This is also beneficial in self-evaluation where the employee can determine if they are making any impact in the organization. When an organization does not place clear expectations for employees, it makes them uncertain about the development of their careers in the organization. This in turn affects the employee output and contribution in the organization as well as the ge neral output and performance of the organization (BILIMORIA & PIDERIT, 2006). Employees are also given clear succession plans in the organization. This ensures that they do not stay in uncertainty about the future of their career in the organization. This clear communication of such plans between the organization and employees helps in the development of confidence in the organization. When employees have confidence in their employers, the quality of their input into organization improves. The employees are also sure about their career development in the organization and, therefore, may choose to stay with the organization for the rest of their careers. This is not the case with organizations, which do not plan for the career growth and development of their employees. These types of organizations have a high rate of employee turnover since the employee are uncertain of their future and career developments in the organization (GREENHAUS, CALLANAN & GODSHALK, 2010). Through the differ ent strategies for supportive career management practices, employees have the resources and time to consider both their long- and short-term goals. This self-evaluation and assessment helps the employees make reasonable career plans according to their abilities and commitment to the organization (HUNTER, 2006). With the time and resources to make these considerations, the employees are able to make accurate and honest assessments of themselves. The set long- and short-t

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Select a social injustice occurring in the United States today and Essay

Select a social injustice occurring in the United States today and answer, Which mode of change-making would best correct your c - Essay Example The Concept of Marriage The Law of God, as well as the law of the land, strongly holds that marriage is a sacred ceremony; a union that ties the knot between couples. It has been established in the society of America, and all over the world that marriage is between a man and a woman. Today, there has been a controversy where the gays and lesbians are involved--that same-sex marriage is a form of immorality and in religious view, an abomination. It is true that many of the homosexuals were asking the government to legalize the so called--same sex marriage. In fact, there were many â€Å"gay rights movement† moved and sentiments aired. This had been regarded as social injustice, thus needed to be addressed. Traditional couples enjoy marriage privileges and benefits like procreation, known, or at least presumed paternity, child and spousal support, stability in family life, and survivor’s rights, as far as the U.S Constitution is concerned (â€Å"Constitutional Topic†). Same-sex couples also wanted to enjoy those benefits. According to some of them, they could also feel the same level of personal commitment the way the traditional couples do. Morally speaking, this had really created a smoke of non-acceptance and discrimination towards the society because this kind of set-up--gay men and women marriage was not acceptable. Some of the religious denomination discriminated such kind of marriage, but the homosexuals still urge the government for its implementation. Sometime in 1990, homosexual advocates protested for their ‘constitutional right’ to have a marriage license, and be accepted in the community. Although, there were religious leaders that stood against this ‘immoral activity,’ it was still accepted by the government. They sought to modify the civil marriage for them to be included. Indeed, many religious groups have shown their views and sentiments regarding this issue. They see marriage as based on sacred prac tice; they argue that if the government would change the definition of marriage it is equivalent to reducing its sacred value (â€Å"Constitutional Topic†). The Controversies Homosexuality has gained different labels such as ‘immoral,’ ‘improper,’ ‘unacceptable,’ etc. In early 1956, a pioneering national lesbian organization was established known as the The Daughters of Bilitis. In 1973, homosexuality was removed from official list of mental disorders by the American Psychiatric Association. Also, the state of Wisconsin prohibits the discrimination against gay men and women on the basis of sexual orientation. In addition, gays were permitted to serve in the military provided that no homosexual activity should be done, through the â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tel† policy as instituted for the U.S military. In effect, there was opposition to the said enactment; thousands of men and women in the armed forces were discharged. Mode of Change-Making: Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage It was reported that gay couples have been fighting for the legalization of same-sex marriage. In fact, some of them in Washington DC have been waiting for the government to issue them marriage licenses since March 3, 2010 (â€Å"Tying the Knot†). In spite the discrimination from the society and other religious group, in December 2010, same-sex marriage proposal has